# Velociraptor: Digging Deeper…
## DFRWS APAC 2022 ### Mike Cohen, Digital Paleontologist
--- ## Overview There is no way we can cover all of the capabilities Velociraptor offers in the time today! * This workshop will give a taste to how modern threat hunting is done at scale * We will look at some of the common scenarios and attacks and some of the modern detection techniques we can employ to find these. * This workshop will be a "Follow Along" workshop - please try these exercises on your own machine! --- ## Prerequisites In order to follow along with this workshop you will need to use a windows VM with administrator level access. You can grab a free VM from Microsoft * Please ensure your VM has .NET version 4+ with MSBuild - dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe * You can also get the latest Velociraptor for Windows Binary from the GitHub releases page * https://github.com/Velocidex/velociraptor * Exercise setup scripts if preferred * https://gist.github.com/mgreen27/13174916ccfe5fc02b10be13705b2b58 --- ## Additional tools * Memory injection test tool * https://github.com/Velocidex/injector/releases * SelectMyParent.exe * https://blog.didierstevens.com/2009/11/22/quickpost-selectmyparent-or-playing-with-the-windows-process-tree/ * Sysinternal tools * https://live.sysinternals.com/procdump64.exe * https://live.sysinternals.com/sdelete64.exe * https://live.sysinternals.com/psexec64.exe * NTFS Manipulation * https://github.com/jschicht/EaTools/raw/master/EaInject64.exe * https://github.com/jschicht/EaTools/raw/master/EaQuery64.exe * WEP Explorer * https://github.com/lallousx86/WinTools/tree/master/WEPExplorer * Process Hacker * https://processhacker.sourceforge.io/downloads.php