## Artifacts Of Autumn #38
--- ## Bitsadmin service * Windows has a generic downloader service called Bits * It is a signed and trusted service but anyone can use it! * Nice way to bypass software allow-listing approaches. ![](../../modules/bit_log_disable_hunting/bits-mitre.png) --- ## Exercise - Atomic Red Team Work through the examples from the [Atomic Red Team](https://github.com/redcanaryco/atomic-red-team/blob/master/atomics/T1197/T1197.md#atomic-test-2---bitsadmin-download-powershell) ![](atomic_red_team.png) --- ## Detecting the attack Using the Windows.EventLogs.Bitsadmin artifact we can check the local event logs for signed of misuse... ![](../../modules/artifacts_of_autumn/37/artifact.jpeg)